Lunker's Fishing Adventures lands a heavy sturgeon. Edmonton, Alberta

North Saskatchewan River monster walleye!

Kids catch it best! This young fella with a little jackfish.

Goldeye are amazing little fighters!

look at this healthy walley! nothing better than a customer with a big smile on their face!

Lunker's Fishing Adventures does it best!! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada's best full time fishing outfitter.

Mr Beer's with his great sturgeon on the North Saskatchewan River. Alberta's fishing outfitter, Lunker's Fishing Adventures.

This is Jason's second trip with Lunker's Fishing Adventures. Not only his second trip but his second sturgeon! We take pride on catching quality fish. Making memories one cast at a time.

Tommy and his 18th birthday sturgeon! It does not get any better. This kid watched his rod better than anyone I have seen.

Beautiful sun set on the North Saskatchewan River. Lunker's Fishing Adventures offering overnight trips. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Join Lunkers Fishing Adventure's on one of our overnight fishing trips.

Garth and his great walleye!

Garth and his crew managed to catch three sturgeon in two days! A trip of a life time.

All loaded up for an overnight fishing adventure! Lunker's does it best!

While the customers stay in the big wall tent, the fishing guide stays in the little tent! Life does not get any better!

Pulling walleye off of the river bottom is a blast!

Heather with a light brown sturgeon! Fishing does not get any better than on the beautiful North Saskatchewan River. Edmonton, Alberta

Nice fall walleye on the North Saskatchewan River. Alberta fishing guide Lunker's Fishing Adventures.

Kids catch them best! Walleye fishing on the North Saskatchewan River. Alberta fishing guide, Lunker's Fishing Adventures.

Lil lunkers catching fish! Priceless!

Early spring jackfish in the boat! Edmonton, Alberta's all inclusive fishing guide. Explore Canada's finest fishing.
Lunkers Fishing Adventures owner Nick Porayko with some spring scouting fishing on the North Saskatchewan River, Edmonton Alberta.
Our very own guide Heather and a dandy of a walleye! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada's full time all inclusive fishing outfitter. Lunker's Fishing Adventures.
Lunker's Fishing Adventures is a full time fishing outfitter. We are a small family run business that strives to keep our clients happy with the very best customer service. We work with our clients to put the very best fishing adventure together that meets their needs to the fullest.
The start of the 2016 fishing season. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada's full time all inclusive fishing outfitter.
Lunkers Fishing Adventures owner Nick Porayko hooked up with this great North Saskatchewan River Walleye, while doing some scouting for new fishing spots.
Biggest walleye taken on our boat for the 2015 fishing season. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada full time all inclusive fishing outfitter.
Nick with a true river trophy! Edmonton, Alberta's full time all inclusive fishing outfitter.
Our very own fishing guide Nick, with a cranker North Saskatchewan River jackfish. Hands down a true river trophy! If catching big fish is on your bucket list give us a shout. Lunker's Fishing Adventures your premier Alberta fishing guide, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Lunker's Fishing Adventures custom built jet boat. Capable of taking a party of four fishing.
Our 20 ft custom built jet boat with a 150/105 Yamaha motor. This boat will carry four customers up the river with ease. Lunker's Fishing Adventures your full time Alberta fishing guide. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Happy Lunker's customer with an outstanding river walleye!