Lunker’s Fishing Adventure's practices catch and release...

Lunker’s Fishing Adventures practices catch and release fishing only. All fish caught on your adventure are handled with the most precious care. And once a quick photo is snapped, it's back into the water for another angler to enjoy.

One thing I see so many people do is when they catch a fish and want the perfect  picture. They get the fish into the boat and THEN get the camera ready. This is more time than the fish needs to be out of the water. Once the fish is out of the water and in the boat, it's a quick picture then a release back into the water.  

Fishing is a sport for everyone to enjoy.  Let's all do our part on the proper handling and release techniques of the fish we love to catch. More importantly, for our children and grandchildren in the future.  

Nick Porayko

Lunker’s Fishing Adventures